“Not your typical self-help book.
No Plaid Suits: How not to have a boring, normal life is an intriguing self-help book that will not only give you a different perspective on certain things in life but also make you contemplate what to change to experience the best life can offer.
Amrita Rose writes like she narrates a story to her friends. With valuable lessons and guidance, the author understands how to capture the reader’s attention through short tales. … You will need this book to inspire, motivate, get out of your comfort zone, and achieve your goals quickly.
…Therapeutic and assuring. The author’s words and her sense of humor made No Plaid Suits: How not to have a boring, normal life an extraordinary read. There is plenty of advice for almost every situation in life….a well-written book which gives readers… confidence and validation.” – Literary Titan Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A self-help book for people who want to build personal resilience, have more adventures and feel more confident without taking a million classes or watching a zillion videos.
“With this book of personal reminiscence and universal advice, Amrita Rose delivers the kind of useful life skills one expects in a self-help book through the clear language and resonant story-telling of modern memoir. Buy the book for solid guidance; read it for the exquisite literary experience.” — Dylan Brody Author of The Modern Depression Guidebook
No Plaid Suits
In this sparkling how-to guide, accomplished life and career coach Amrita Rose gives you the low-down on everything from how to schedule your time or create a meal from “nothing”, to ending any relationship and dealing with grief.
Easy exercises, inspiring tales, and humorous advice from someone who’s been there, helping you to build resilience, feel confident, and laugh a whole lot more. Discover how to create a life that makes your heart sing, right NOW!
Honest & refreshingly humorous
A holistic, soul enriching, and no B.S. invitation to nourish the mind, body, and spirit. No Plaid Suits is honest, refreshingly humorous, and filled with expertise that reminds us that we are already whole as we make the leap into accessible and achievable steps to build a more resilient life and career.”
— Heather Ridge
M.S., Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor
A joyful read and delightful tool
A joyful read and delightful tool for living your most-longed-for-life. Filled with hard-earned wisdom, practical life hacks, and much heart, this book sweetly reminds us that our choices create our lives”
— Marissa Ferkovich
Artist, USMC Veteran, Elder Millennial
Get ready to love your life!
Growing up, being an adult, all the million and three things we expect ourselves to know by the time we get that first job, first car, or first place to live. What no one tells us is that the know-how for creating a life that feels fabulous on all levels doesn’t magically get handed to us. Growing ourselves into happy and successful adults is often a matter of trial and error.
We learn by screwing up and then course-correcting. Figuring out who we are with each step we take. Creating our future in each moment. First this one, then the next, and the next… Each action we take leads us into a future, which is the present we are living in right now.
Whether you’ve just started on your path or have been living life for long enough to have forgotten exactly how you got here, this book is here to remind us that we always have an opportunity to change, to fine-tune our lives. We can create lives that are fully aligned with who we are, and what our hearts most desire. It’s easy to forget that we can take time to slow down, and evaluate how we feel about life, relationships and career. Harder still to remember that we always have choices and can transform our lives, often in less time than we think.
Transformation is simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s always going to be easy. No Plaid Suits: how not to have a boring, normal life, is a guidebook for transformation, one step at a time. It’s a reminder that change happens only when we pay attention, choose action and create change for ourselves.
“Insightful and encouraging—
No Plaid Suits: How not to have a boring, normal life, guides you toward self-fulfilling choices and living the life you desire.
…Like having a kind and thoughtful conversation with an older and more experienced friend. Using years of personal experiences, positive psychology and wisdom, she guides the reader on a self-reflecting journey that encourages readers.
A thought-provoking and inspirational book that offers a welcome respite from the constant pressures of our daily lives. I would recommend it to anyone looking to rediscover themselves through time management and positivity.”
– Tomi Alo, The Independent Book Review
No Plaid Suits is a guide for anyone who desires to break free of the “box.” Amrita Rose combines professional knowledge of positive psychology with the wisdom of a diversified and fearless life… An inspiring, holistic, and accessible masterwork… instilling courage in the reader and offering practical steps for true change.”
— Scott Foy
PhD, Computational Biologist
Amrita herself leads an Unstoppable Life. She is incredibly competent as a coach, extremely well read in diverse fields that all relate to helping people move forward in life. She is practical, committed, and absolutely upfront with her knowledge. If you really want to do something, grow, expand, excel and can’t seem to get there on your own, check this out!”— Cheri Torres
Author, PhD in Educational Psychology
Amrita skilfully weaves her deep knowledge of Yogic Science, Pranayama, and various forms of meditation, along with a background in education, clinical mental health, Positive Psychology, and more esoteric mindful and spiritual practices. She developed one of the most highly regarded yoga and meditation programs for in-patient mental health clinics and notably lowered the return rate of patients by more than 50% in the first year.
Doing her best writing while camping, hiking, and cabin-sitting, or perched atop a coffee-shop stool or a rocky mountain, Amrita loves to educate and inspire…motivating readers to be bold and dive into the work of honest transformation in their lives. She offers lived experience and wisdom garnered from hard work, taking a no B.S. approach to herself and to life in general, and encourages clients and readers to do the same!
Amrita lives with her dog and cat near Denver, Colorado