Amrita Rose, Life Coach guests on podcast Purpose and Pixie Dust

🌟 I had the BEST conversation with Lindsay Dollinger on her podcast Purpose & Pixie Dust!⁠
We dove into how communicating how, as a business owner, especially if you identify as female, is vital to how we show up confidently, consistently, and boldly.⁠

💪🏼 This one is all about #Entreprenership⁠

I shared three language shifts you can make today to immediately step more fully into your power and show up in your magic like you’re meant to be. They are simple and easy to implement!!⁠

Listen to the episode HERE.

Check her out at Purpose & Pixie Dust

Lindsay has so much energy we could have talked for days… and with luck, I’ll be back for another conversation with her about how we as business owners, and entrepreneurs success-minded people can transform our lives through the language we use to speak to ourselves and to others.

Episode: E244   Length: 36:02     Date Released:  January 23rd 2023

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