What can you do when you feel you’ve lost yourself in your life?
Let’s admit we all have felt as though we’ve lost ourselves at one point or another. It’s common these days with all the pressures we face and all the roles we feel we have to play at home, at work, as parents, lovers, bosses, etc… All too often we find we’ve defined ourselves by what we are DOING, rather than who we are being.
In this conversation, Sarah Villarreal and I explore the often edgy questions about how we see ourselves, what we think we’ve given up or lost, and how to reclaim a stronger sense of self through some simple practices. We both open up about the times in life when we’ve lost our sense of who we are, and how we developed ways to reconnect with our core values and a deeper connection to our hearts.
Listen to our conversation HERE.
Hear all of Sarah Villarreal’s very honest podcast here: Socially Misguided Podcast
Love the practices and tips we covered in our conversation? Grab a copy of No Plaid Suits for yourself.
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Interview Length: 43 min. Date Released: February 15th, 2023)
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