Hello, I’m Amrita

Truth-seeker. Passionate Agent for Change.
Life Coach & Career Coach in Denver & Boulder, CO.

I believe in magic, dancing through life, delight freedom, laughter, thoughtfulness, ease, welcoming all, not making assumptions, deep connections, meaning, passion, purpose, interesting conversations that create change, rocking the boat, no stupid rules, autonomy, not blaming others, personal growth, being response-able.

You? You’re ready for something new.

My question is…

Are you ready to live the life of your dreams?

Tired of not loving your life? Let’s change that!

Through holistic career and life coaching, I support people who want to push their own edges, create more successful careers, connect their hearts with their minds, and live life like it’s more than a 24/7 job.

I work with clients willing to dive deep into true transformation, learn to take risks, experiment, and find new ways to live bigger, bolder, and with more joy.

As a result of our coaching sessions, my clients have more fulfilling careers, earn more money, find their soulmates, maintain more harmonious relationships, and healthier bodies, and live their lives feeling unstoppable.

How I Can Help You:

I combine my extensive training and practical experience to help you connect the dots and have those life-changing “yes!” moments.

My official credentials and certifications include:

  • Certified Positive Psychology Coach from WBI
  • Certified SparketypeⓇ Advisor
  • Certified Presence-based CoachⓇ  from PBC
  • Multiple certifications in yoga and meditation
  • MFA in Fine Art
  • Certifications in Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Nonviolent Communication

I also mentor coaches just starting out and those seeking to deepen their coaching practices.

  • I work with clients and mentor coaches in Boulder and Denver, CO, throughout the United States, and globally.

If you’ve been thinking about burning it down, if you’re on the precipice of change and ready to leap, if you’re ready to move from mundane to magical, it’s time we talked.

Transformation Starts in Your First Session.

If you’ve been thinking about burning it down
If you’re on the precipice of change and ready to leap
If you’re ready to move from mundane to magical

Then it’s time for us to talk.

She’s one in a million!

“I love how Amrita’s life is filled with her own learning about how to face and embrace the very things her clients are struggling with. She’s been there herself, so she knows how to help you when you’re there, too. If you have a chance to work with Amrita, don’t hesitate, she’s one in a million.”
— Lauren, Marketing Communications

Real Transformation!

”Your coaching is an energizing and effective blend of psychology, spirituality and the nuts & bolts, that really helped me create the transformation I was seeking.”

— John, Professional Musician and IT Designer

Just Call Her!

“If you’ve been looking for a sign, this is it. From the very first session you’ll begin to change your life for the better. Amrita will help you get there. It may not be what you were expecting; it’s going to be so much better!”
— Mandy, Actor, Producer, Writer

Holistic Resilience is Everything.

Holistic Resilience is about being able to get back up and move on when adversity knocks us off our feet. It’s about having the vision, strength, and tools, not just to rebuild our lives, but to redesign them. It’s about optimal thinking, not optimism. And it’s about being able to take quick and effective reality checks so that we have an accurate gauge of what is happening and where we want to go.


Resilience often looks like adversity on the surface. I’ve been there. 

  • Got kicked out of H.S.
  • Lived in my car
  • Picked myself up and became a University Lecturer in Philadelphia
  • Certified to teach Yogic Science and meditation
  • R&D for J&J
  • Fell in love, got married
  • Photography industry in NYC
  • Stayed in love and still got divorced
  • Completed my coaching certification
  • Taught yoga in 2 countries
  • Moved to 3 more States, not knowing anyone in any of them
  • Developed the Resilience Toolkit to share with you

I know resilience because I’ve had to learn it. I know resilience can be integrated fully into a life that feels luscious. I often use oracle cards, Akashic records, and energy work as powerful tools for change. 

Life doesn’t stand still while we get our shit together.

I know resilience because I’ve had to learn it. I know resilience can be integrated fully into a life that feels luscious. 

 Holistic Resilience is about creating change on purpose, in alignment with your most audacious self. 

 It’s time to be unstoppable. 

Professional Qualifications

Amrita Rose ICF professional certified coach

Invite Amrita to Speak.

Listen to Amrita’s talk as an invited speaker at Pechakucha AVL.